Thursday, November 4, 2010

A Presentation of Meaning

Added (11 December 2010)

Our presentation focused on the creation and explication of the media's as a means of relating all media's and their respective goals, uses, dangers, and advantages.

If we are going to be attempting to train our students to have the proper skills so as to use media, we need to train them on how media effects us all. By looking at all the different medias at different times and then showing that elements like music, language, speakers tone of voice, colors, setting, movement, lighting, and speakers gestures we can teach students about how to convey the most meaning in media and share the most meaning through media.

The end project would be the most exciting part of the class as student would create a movie in which they bring together all the elements of media that they have learned and with their own unique twists. I imagine that they could even focus on any part of any media they so desired if there was enough meaning behind it. Like a focused shot on a painting that they felt had meaning to the words that were being spoken in the background. I have really enjoyed the awareness that I have received from this book and hope to share such knowledge with those who I teach.

This is an interesting New York Times article that has to do with unique types of art. Might be something that the students could embark upon achieving.

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