Thursday, October 14, 2010

Does it only work on the weak minded?

Added (11 December 2010)

Media production

One of the great dangers of any media is that it teaches. Even if the author does not intend such an outcome the user of that media is receiving something. I think it is safe to say that there are many negative messages that can and are spread through all the medias. What was very impressive about this book "Media Education" by David Buckingham is that he aptly addresses that there are many motivators and forces behind a media that need to be addressed and taught about. Our students today are walking into a media mine field and they need to be equipped with the proper knowledge to be able to decipher through it. Buckingham mentions that looking at media production means looking at: technologies, professional practices, the industry, connections between media, regulation, circulation and distribution, and access and participation. This is of the utmost importance in my opinion because it is only after we have taught students these practices that they can begin to see the dangers, if any, that the messages of the media provide. Be it form of paper, airwaves, or light, these messages come from someone and with a purpose, even if that purpose is simply to enjoy.

Buckingham, David. Media Education. Malden, MA: Polity Press, 2003. Print. Pg. 53-70.

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