Thursday, September 9, 2010

O! Whitman.

Added (10 December 2010)
I Never Realized...

How much I truly enjoyed Walt Whitman's poetry. When we were reading this poem I a gained a newfound respect for the ability of poetry to be so smooth and rhythmic.
We had brought of a lot of terms about poetry to the table that class. What moved me the most about Whitman's Elegy "O Capitan, My Captain!" was the shear sincerity. It is difficult to sound sincere when you are using complex words and yet it is hard to make it sound beautiful and meaningful without them often times. That is what I believe made this poem so powerful.
That and the metaphor of Abraham Lincoln being the Captain of a ship called America. He would have gone down with the ship trying to save it, instead he saved everyone else besides himself.

Thank you Mr. Walt Whitman for your poem.

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